39853684-Craig, Jack(6), Andrew(4)and Eilidh Robertson's Blue Texel stood overall sheep at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923099 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--SupSheep-Fam-Robertson Dalmall
£10.00 - £66.00Craig, Jack(6), Andrew(4)and Eilidh Robertson's Blue Texel stood overall sheep at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923099 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--SupSheep-Fam-Robertson Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853683-Commercial beef judge Donald MacPherson(left) and Highland judge Archie Macarthur(right) picked Ewen MacGillivray's Limousin as overall cattle champion at Dalmally Show Ref:RH020923088 Rob
£10.00 - £66.00Commercial beef judge Donald MacPherson(left) and Highland judge Archie Macarthur(right) picked Ewen MacGillivray's Limousin as overall cattle champion at Dalmally Show Ref:RH020923088 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--SupCattleGroup...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853682-Native champion from Nick Milton Ref:RH020923076 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--NatSheep-Milton Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923
£10.00 - £66.00Native champion from Nick Milton Ref:RH020923076 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--NatSheep-Milton Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923076;NIKON D5;299472;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853681-Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur, and the final walk round of all first place winners as the overall Highland champion nears the end at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923077 Rob Haining / Th
£10.00 - £66.00Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur, and the final walk round of all first place winners as the overall Highland champion nears the end at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923077 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--HiglandRing Dalmally...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853680-Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur makes his way through the entries at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923074 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--HighlandJudging Dalmally show;peopl
£10.00 - £66.00Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur makes his way through the entries at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923074 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--HighlandJudging Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853679-Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur makes his way through the entries at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923067 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--HighlandJudge Dalmally show;people;
£10.00 - £66.00Highland cattle judge Archie Macarthur makes his way through the entries at Dalmally show Ref:RH020923067 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--HighlandJudge Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853678-Highland cattle champion from Graeme and Rebecca Easton Ref:RH020923081 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--High-Easton Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;Sept
£10.00 - £66.00Highland cattle champion from Graeme and Rebecca Easton Ref:RH020923081 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--High-Easton Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923081;NIKON D5;299592;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853677-The Robertson family won the continental section and the supreme overall sheep Ref:RH020923086 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--Cont-SupSheep-Robertson Dalmally show;people;s
£10.00 - £66.00The Robertson family won the continental section and the supreme overall sheep Ref:RH020923086 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--Cont-SupSheep-Robertson Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923086;NIKON...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853676-Overall supreme cattle champion was the commercial beef champion from Ewen MacGillivray Ref:RH020923087 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--ComBeef-MacGillivray Dalmally show;peo
£10.00 - £66.00Overall supreme cattle champion was the commercial beef champion from Ewen MacGillivray Ref:RH020923087 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--ComBeef-MacGillivray Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853675-Cheviot champion from Andrew Jones Ref:RH020923098 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--Cheviot-Jones Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923
£10.00 - £66.00Cheviot champion from Andrew Jones Ref:RH020923098 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--Cheviot-Jones Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923098;NIKON D5;300109;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853674-Ian MacKay make the finishing touches before the show starts at Dalmally Ref:RH020923054 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--BrushUp Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02
£10.00 - £66.00Ian MacKay make the finishing touches before the show starts at Dalmally Ref:RH020923054 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--BrushUp Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923054;NIKON D5;299206;Rob Haining...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39853673-Spectators look on as Robert Dixon looks over the Black-faced entries at Dalmally Ref:RH020923084 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--BlackieRingA Dalmally show;people;sheep;catt
£10.00 - £66.00Spectators look on as Robert Dixon looks over the Black-faced entries at Dalmally Ref:RH020923084 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dalmally--BlackieRingA Dalmally show;people;sheep;cattle;dalmally;02/09/2023;September 2023;RH020923084;NIKON...£10.00 - £66.00