Aberdeen Xmas Classic - 25-26-11-24
40070795-Jimmy Douglas sold his Suffolk for 5000gns Ref: RH251124036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Suff-5k-Douglas 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124036;NIKON D5;382110;ANM;Aber
£10.00 - £66.00Jimmy Douglas sold his Suffolk for 5000gns Ref: RH251124036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Suff-5k-Douglas 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124036;NIKON D5;382110;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas Classis;Show;Sale;sheep;CattelUpload Date: 26 Nov...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070794-Topping the sale were the Stuarts from Birness with the Suffolk selling for 5200gns Ref: RH251124041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Suff-5200k-Stuart 25/11/2024;Novembe
£10.00 - £66.00Topping the sale were the Stuarts from Birness with the Suffolk selling for 5200gns Ref: RH251124041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Suff-5200k-Stuart 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124041;NIKON D5;382178;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070793-Ron MacKay judged the Rising Stars at the Aberdeen Christmas Classic Ref: RH251124059 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Ron MacKay 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124059;NIK
£10.00 - £66.00Ron MacKay judged the Rising Stars at the Aberdeen Christmas Classic Ref: RH251124059 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Ron MacKay 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124059;NIKON D5;382323;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070792-Rising Star young farmers champion Pure Silk with Fergus and Bruce Forbes Ref: RH251124061 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingYFC-Forbes 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH
£10.00 - £66.00Rising Star young farmers champion Pure Silk with Fergus and Bruce Forbes Ref: RH251124061 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingYFC-Forbes 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124061;NIKON D5;382382;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070791-Young farmers champion in the Rising Stars was Pure Silk from Bruce Forbes Ref: RH251124060 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingStar-YFChamp-Forbes 25/11/2024;November
£10.00 - £66.00Young farmers champion in the Rising Stars was Pure Silk from Bruce Forbes Ref: RH251124060 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingStar-YFChamp-Forbes 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124060;NIKON D5;382376;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070790-Rising Star champion was Jo Jo from Tony and Sophie Wier Ref: RH251124062 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingChamp-Wier 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124062;NIKON D5;
£10.00 - £66.00Rising Star champion was Jo Jo from Tony and Sophie Wier Ref: RH251124062 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingChamp-Wier 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124062;NIKON D5;382445;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas Classis;Show;Sale;sheep;CattelUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070789-Rising Star champion was Jo Jo from Tony and Sophie Wier shown by Molly Stuart Ref: RH251124063 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingChamp-Team 25/11/2024;November 2024
£10.00 - £66.00Rising Star champion was Jo Jo from Tony and Sophie Wier shown by Molly Stuart Ref: RH251124063 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- RisingChamp-Team 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124063;NIKON D5;382475;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070788-The Browns overall reserve champion Ruby sold for £3400Ref: RH261124077 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- OverAllRES-£3400-Brown 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124077;NIKON
£10.00 - £66.00The Browns overall reserve champion Ruby sold for £3400Ref: RH261124077 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- OverAllRES-£3400-Brown 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124077;NIKON D5;382940;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070787-Reserve open champion were the pair of lambs from Ronnie Wilkie Ref: RH261124066 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- OpenResCh-Wilkie 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124066;NI
£10.00 - £66.00Reserve open champion were the pair of lambs from Ronnie Wilkie Ref: RH261124066 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- OpenResCh-Wilkie 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124066;NIKON D5;382593;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070786-Judging the YFC halted cattle section was Louise Forsyth Ref: RH251124047 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Louise Forsyth 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124047;NIKON D5;38
£10.00 - £66.00Judging the YFC halted cattle section was Louise Forsyth Ref: RH251124047 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Louise Forsyth 25/11/2024;November 2024;RH251124047;NIKON D5;382205;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas Classis;Show;Sale;sheep;CattelUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070785-Open champion were the lambs from William and David Moir and sold for £320 per head Ref: RH261124065 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- LambOpenCh-£320-Moir 26/11/2024;No
£10.00 - £66.00Open champion were the lambs from William and David Moir and sold for £320 per head Ref: RH261124065 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- LambOpenCh-£320-Moir 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124065;NIKON D5;382555;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40070784-Trick or Treat from the Robertsons sold for £3027 Ref: RH261124075 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Heifer-£3027-Robertson 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124075;NIKON D5;
£10.00 - £66.00Trick or Treat from the Robertsons sold for £3027 Ref: RH261124075 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Xmas-Classic-- Heifer-£3027-Robertson 26/11/2024;November 2024;RH261124075;NIKON D5;382842;ANM;Aberdeen Xmas Classis;Show;Sale;sheep;CattleUpload...£10.00 - £66.00