Shows and Events
39055084-Spectators watch as Paul Tippetts judges the Mv Interbreed championship at the Great Yorkshire Show Ref: RH140721065 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Spectators watch as Paul Tippetts judges the Mv Interbreed championship at the Great Yorkshire Show Ref: RH140721065 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed--GEN--CrowdWatching.JPGStore Filename: 39055084...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020755-Ref: RH160621072 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621072 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen040- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020755.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen040 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 040 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39055083-Commercial Judge G Edwards with his champion from Mark Harryman Ref: RH140721091 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Commercial Judge G Edwards with his champion from Mark Harryman Ref: RH140721091 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed--GEN--ComPres.JPGStore Filename: 39055083.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: GYS...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020754-Ref: RH160621071 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621071 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen039- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020754.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen039 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 039 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39055082-During the judging young hander were told to let their sheep go and use team work to help each other round up the sheep Ref: RH140721096 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00During the judging young hander were told to let their sheep go and use team work to help each other round up the sheep Ref: RH140721096 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed--GEN--CatchUp .JPGStore Filename:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020753-Ref: RH160621070 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621070 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen038- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020753.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen038 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 038 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39055081-One of the young handlers gives his sheep a wee bite to eat during the judging Ref: RH140721095 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00One of the young handlers gives his sheep a wee bite to eat during the judging Ref: RH140721095 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed--GEN--BiteToEat.JPGStore Filename: 39055081.jpgByline: Photographer Rob...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020752-Ref: RH160621069 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621069 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen037- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020752.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen037 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 037 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39055080-Annabelle Hiddleston keeps her eye on the judge during the Interbreed MV Championship Ref: RH140721056 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Annabelle Hiddleston keeps her eye on the judge during the Interbreed MV Championship Ref: RH140721056 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed--GEN--AnnaBelleeyeonjudge .JPGStore Filename: 39055080.jpgByline:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020751-Ref: RH160621068 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621068 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen036- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020751.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen036 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 036 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39055079-Young handler Reserve overall in the MV section went to Rafe Cartman 12 Ref: RH140721105 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Young handler Reserve overall in the MV section went to Rafe Cartman 12 Ref: RH140721105 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 18 Jul 2021Original Filename: GYS-Wed----YoungHAndlerResMV-Cartman.JPGStore Filename: 39055079.jpgByline: Photographer...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39020750-Ref: RH160621067 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
Photographer Rob Haining
£14.00 - £66.00Ref: RH160621067 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 20 Jun 2021Original Filename: RHS-Wed-Gen035- -.JPGStore Filename: 39020750.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: RHS Wed Gen035 .JPG RHS Wed Gen 035 .JPG ROYAL HIGHLAND SHOWCASE...£14.00 - £66.00