Catrine Show-04-05-24
39964427-Ref:RH040524066 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine-NoCap-001 Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524066;NIKON D5;332105;Rob Haining / The Sc
£10.00 - £66.00Ref:RH040524066 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine-NoCap-001 Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524066;NIKON D5;332105;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 05 May 2024Original Filename:...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964426-Judge Billy takes a final walk round before selecting his supreme show champion at Catrine Ref:RH040524102 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--WalkRound Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;
£10.00 - £66.00Judge Billy takes a final walk round before selecting his supreme show champion at Catrine Ref:RH040524102 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--WalkRound Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524102;NIKON...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964425-Texel champion was from the Struthers Ref:RH040524098 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Tex-Struthers Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040
£10.00 - £66.00Texel champion was from the Struthers Ref:RH040524098 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Tex-Struthers Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524098;NIKON D5;332700;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964424-Team work, Carolyn(10) and Ramsay(12) Stevenson try and coax Guinness the calve round the ring at Catrine show Ref:RH040524081 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--TeamWork Catr
£10.00 - £66.00Team work, Carolyn(10) and Ramsay(12) Stevenson try and coax Guinness the calve round the ring at Catrine show Ref:RH040524081 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--TeamWork Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964423-Supreme sheep was the Blue Texel from J and D Hodge Ref:RH040524097 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Sup-Sheep- Hodge Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/20
£10.00 - £66.00Supreme sheep was the Blue Texel from J and D Hodge Ref:RH040524097 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Sup-Sheep- Hodge Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524097;NIKON D5;332670;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964422-Show Supreme Nethervalley King Doc Lorna from the Scott family Kyle, Rory, Robbie and Margo, also part of the team Fiona Currie Ref:RH040524101 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine
£10.00 - £66.00Show Supreme Nethervalley King Doc Lorna from the Scott family Kyle, Rory, Robbie and Margo, also part of the team Fiona Currie Ref:RH040524101 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--ScottTeam...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964421-Reserve beef champion was the Charolais from Crawford and Finlay Smith Ref:RH040524088 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--ResBeef-Smith Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshir
£10.00 - £66.00Reserve beef champion was the Charolais from Crawford and Finlay Smith Ref:RH040524088 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--ResBeef-Smith Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524088;NIKON D5;332375;Rob...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964420-Red and White champion from the Bryson family Ref:RH040524099 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--R-W-Bryson Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;
£10.00 - £66.00Red and White champion from the Bryson family Ref:RH040524099 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--R-W-Bryson Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524099;NIKON D5;332746;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964419-Niall Goldie looks over the beef cattle at Catrine show Ref:RH040524080 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Niall Goldie Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/20
£10.00 - £66.00Niall Goldie looks over the beef cattle at Catrine show Ref:RH040524080 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Niall Goldie Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524080;NIKON D5;332223;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964418-Supreme dairy and show champion of champions was the Holstein from the Scott family Ref:RH040524100 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Hol-Scott Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;
£10.00 - £66.00Supreme dairy and show champion of champions was the Holstein from the Scott family Ref:RH040524100 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--Hol-Scott Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524100;NIKON...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964417-judge David Robb looks over the Holstein section at Catrine show Ref:RH040524077 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--DavidRobb Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;0
£10.00 - £66.00judge David Robb looks over the Holstein section at Catrine show Ref:RH040524077 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--DavidRobb Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524077;NIKON D5;332201;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39964416-Blue Faced Leicester champion from Hugh Ferguson Ref:RH040524094 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--BFL-Ferguson Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May
£10.00 - £66.00Blue Faced Leicester champion from Hugh Ferguson Ref:RH040524094 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Catrine--BFL-Ferguson Catrine;Show;Cattle;Sheep;People;Ayrshire;Showing;04/05/2024;May 2024;RH040524094;NIKON D5;332570;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00