39991562-Top honours in the Highland cattle section went to Claggorm 62nd of Glengarnock from Highland Cattle Services Ref: RH200624031 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef-Highlander-HCS
£10.00 - £66.00Top honours in the Highland cattle section went to Claggorm 62nd of Glengarnock from Highland Cattle Services Ref: RH200624031 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef-Highlander-HCS Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991561-The Limousins were the victors in the inter-breed teams competition Ref: RH220624168 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef-BeefTeams Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;22
£10.00 - £66.00The Limousins were the victors in the inter-breed teams competition Ref: RH220624168 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef-BeefTeams Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;22/06/2024;June 2024;RH220624082;NIKON D5;349072;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991560-Simmental and supreme inter-breed beef champion from the Simmers Ref: RH200624033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Sim-Simmers Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/
£10.00 - £66.00Simmental and supreme inter-breed beef champion from the Simmers Ref: RH200624033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Sim-Simmers Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624033;NIKON D5;345914;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991559-Shorthorn champion from the McMillan family Ref: RH200624032 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Short-McMillan Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 20
£10.00 - £66.00Shorthorn champion from the McMillan family Ref: RH200624032 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Short-McMillan Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624032;NIKON D5;345862;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991558-Overall Salers champion from the Pye family Ref: RH200624028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Salers-Pye Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH20
£10.00 - £66.00Overall Salers champion from the Pye family Ref: RH200624028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Salers-Pye Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624028;NIKON D5;345458;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991557-Top ticket in the Limousin was from the Nimmo family Ref: RH200624039 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Lim-Nimmo Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2
£10.00 - £66.00Top ticket in the Limousin was from the Nimmo family Ref: RH200624039 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Lim-Nimmo Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624039;NIKON D5;346802;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991556-R Clough and Son stood top in the Lincoln Red section Ref: RH200624034 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Licoln-Clough Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;J
£10.00 - £66.00R Clough and Son stood top in the Lincoln Red section Ref: RH200624034 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Licoln-Clough Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624034;NIKON D5;346402;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991555-The Hartwrights took the top ticket in the Hereford section Ref: RH200624030 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Herford-Hartwright Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;
£10.00 - £66.00The Hartwrights took the top ticket in the Hereford section Ref: RH200624030 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Herford-Hartwright Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624030;NIKON D5;345726;Rob Haining /...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991554-The Finlay family topped the Galloways Ref: RH200624035 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Gall-Finlay Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624
£10.00 - £66.00The Finlay family topped the Galloways Ref: RH200624035 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Gall-Finlay Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624035;NIKON D5;346429;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991553-Commercial cattle champion went to Stewart and Lynsey Bett Ref: RH200614027 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--ComCattle-Bett Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/0
£10.00 - £66.00Commercial cattle champion went to Stewart and Lynsey Bett Ref: RH200614027 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--ComCattle-Bett Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2014;June 2014;RH200614027;NIKON D750;18194;Rob Haining / The...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991552-Grinshill Tallulah from Wylie and Coppingerer stood champion in the Charolais Ref: RH200624029 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Charo-Wylie-Coppinger Royal Highland Show;Show;
£10.00 - £66.00Grinshill Tallulah from Wylie and Coppingerer stood champion in the Charolais Ref: RH200624029 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Charo-Wylie-Coppinger Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624029;NIKON...£10.00 - £66.00 -
39991551-The Keileys stood champion in the Belted Galloways Ref: RH200624036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Beltie-Keiley Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June
£10.00 - £66.00The Keileys stood champion in the Belted Galloways Ref: RH200624036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer RHS-Beef--Beltie-Keiley Royal Highland Show;Show;People;cattle;sheep;20/06/2024;June 2024;RH200624036;NIKON D5;346616;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£10.00 - £66.00