Lochlad- Sheep-Parker - 10-08-23
39843400-Andrew and Pam Parker from the Lochlad flock Ref:RH100823028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--TEam Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823028;N
£14.00 - £66.00Andrew and Pam Parker from the Lochlad flock Ref:RH100823028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--TEam Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823028;NIKON D5;293018;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 16...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843399-Some of the cross females that are high heath statue and ideal for being recipient in other flocks Ref:RH100823038 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--RecipsA Dutch spotted sheep;
£14.00 - £66.00Some of the cross females that are high heath statue and ideal for being recipient in other flocks Ref:RH100823038 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--RecipsA Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823038;NIKON...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843398-Some of the cross females that are high heath statue and ideal for being recipient in other flocks Ref:RH100823037 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--Recips Dutch spotted sheep;
£14.00 - £66.00Some of the cross females that are high heath statue and ideal for being recipient in other flocks Ref:RH100823037 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--Recips Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823037;NIKON...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843397-The Parkers have recently install a second poly tunnel, offering shelter for working with sheep and at lambing time Ref:RH100823036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--PolyTunne
£14.00 - £66.00The Parkers have recently install a second poly tunnel, offering shelter for working with sheep and at lambing time Ref:RH100823036 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--PolyTunnel Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843396-Some of the stock ewes which thrive on a grass-based system Ref:RH100823033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EwesA Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 20
£14.00 - £66.00Some of the stock ewes which thrive on a grass-based system Ref:RH100823033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EwesA Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823033;NIKON D5;293071;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843395-Some of the stock ewes which thrive on a grass-based system Ref:RH100823031 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--Ewes Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2
£14.00 - £66.00Some of the stock ewes which thrive on a grass-based system Ref:RH100823031 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--Ewes Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823031;NIKON D5;293053;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843394-Sharp looking ewe lambs that are being retained Ref:RH100823039 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambsRetained Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 202
£14.00 - £66.00Sharp looking ewe lambs that are being retained Ref:RH100823039 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambsRetained Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823039;NIKON D5;293174;Rob Haining / The Scottish...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843393-These ewe lambs are bound for the sale ring Ref:RH100823041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambSales Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100
£14.00 - £66.00These ewe lambs are bound for the sale ring Ref:RH100823041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambSales Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823041;NIKON D5;293197;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843392-These ewe lambs are bound for the sale ring Ref:RH100823043 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambsale Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100
£14.00 - £66.00These ewe lambs are bound for the sale ring Ref:RH100823043 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--EweLambsale Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823043;NIKON D5;293212;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843391-Some of the cross sheep with lambs at foot, sheep not making the breeding grade are sold for the food chain Ref:RH100823049 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CrossSheep Dutch sp
£14.00 - £66.00Some of the cross sheep with lambs at foot, sheep not making the breeding grade are sold for the food chain Ref:RH100823049 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CrossSheep Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843390-two of this years strong looking cross lamb Ref:RH100823054 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CrossLambs Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH10082
£14.00 - £66.00two of this years strong looking cross lamb Ref:RH100823054 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CrossLambs Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823054;NIKON D5;293297;Rob Haining / The Scottish FarmerUpload...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39843389-Pam and Reggie do the rounds of the field checking the sheep Ref:RH100823021 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CheckingSheep Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;
£14.00 - £66.00Pam and Reggie do the rounds of the field checking the sheep Ref:RH100823021 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Lochlad--CheckingSheep Dutch spotted sheep;lochlad;Parker;sheep;10/08/2023;August 2023;RH100823021;NIKON D5;292942;Rob Haining / The...£14.00 - £66.00