Castleton-Dorsets-Bathgate- 04-07-22
39512138-One on the recently born lambs enjoying the sun Ref: RH040722035 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00One on the recently born lambs enjoying the sun Ref: RH040722035 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Suuny.JPGStore Filename: 39512138.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: Castleton Suuny.JPG...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512137-Home to the Bathgate family since 1947 Ref: RH040722043 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00Home to the Bathgate family since 1947 Ref: RH040722043 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Sign.JPGStore Filename: 39512137.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: Castleton Sign.JPG CASTLETON...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512136-At Castleton the 180 head of sheep are run on a commercial enterprise Ref: RH040722037 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00At Castleton the 180 head of sheep are run on a commercial enterprise Ref: RH040722037 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Sheep .JPGStore Filename: 39512136.jpgByline: Photographer Rob...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512135-The Dorset ewe will lamb regularly and lamb out of season and produce the maximum number of lambs for sale Ref: RH040722021 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00The Dorset ewe will lamb regularly and lamb out of season and produce the maximum number of lambs for sale Ref: RH040722021 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Lambs A.JPGStore Filename: 39512135...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512134-Dorset sheep can lamb three times in two years. at Castleton the lambs are all sold prime Ref: RH040722028 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00Dorset sheep can lamb three times in two years. at Castleton the lambs are all sold prime Ref: RH040722028 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----LAmbs .JPGStore Filename: 39512134.jpgByline: Photographer...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512133-Jill Bathgate from Castleton Ref: RH040722044 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00Jill Bathgate from Castleton Ref: RH040722044 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Jill Bathgate .JPGStore Filename: 39512133.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: Castleton Jill Bathgate .JPG...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512132-The main business is dairy run under the Arniston Prefix, these heifers are being kept as replacements Ref: RH040722023 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00The main business is dairy run under the Arniston Prefix, these heifers are being kept as replacements Ref: RH040722023 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Heifers.JPGStore Filename: 39512132.jpgByline:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512131-The Dorset ewe is an excellent mother and has good milking ability Ref: RH040722025 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00The Dorset ewe is an excellent mother and has good milking ability Ref: RH040722025 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----GoodMaw.JPGStore Filename: 39512131.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512130-The Dorset flock fits in with the dairy and arable enterprises Ref: RH040722034 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00The Dorset flock fits in with the dairy and arable enterprises Ref: RH040722034 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Fitin .JPGStore Filename: 39512130.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512129-three week before lambing the ewes are fed home grown feed mix Ref: RH040722041 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00three week before lambing the ewes are fed home grown feed mix Ref: RH040722041 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Feed.JPGStore Filename: 39512129.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords:...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512128-These ewes are due to lamb in the next couple of week Ref: RH040722038 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00These ewes are due to lamb in the next couple of week Ref: RH040722038 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----EweInLamb.JPGStore Filename: 39512128.jpgByline: Photographer Rob HainingKeywords: Castleton ...£14.00 - £66.00 -
39512127-The ewe are good mothers are capable of looking after multiple lambs Ref: RH040722019 Rob Haining The Scottish Farmer
£14.00 - £66.00The ewe are good mothers are capable of looking after multiple lambs Ref: RH040722019 Rob Haining The Scottish FarmerUpload Date: 14 Jul 2022Original Filename: Castleton----Ewe-LAmbs.JPGStore Filename: 39512127.jpgByline: Photographer Rob...£14.00 - £66.00