Dunalastair Estate Sheep-Cattle -28-02-25
40105665-Roddy and Liam are hard at work tending to the North Country Cheviot commercial flock Ref: RH280225045 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Working 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH28
£10.00 - £66.00Roddy and Liam are hard at work tending to the North Country Cheviot commercial flock Ref: RH280225045 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Working 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225045;NIKON D5;102 399657;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105664-Sheep dogs are big part of the team at Dunalastair Estate, Finlay's dog Tim workin with the pure North Country Cheviot eweRef: RH280225041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-T
£10.00 - £66.00Sheep dogs are big part of the team at Dunalastair Estate, Finlay's dog Tim workin with the pure North Country Cheviot eweRef: RH280225041 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-TopDog 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225041;NIKON D5;200...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105663-Finlay McIntyre(centre), with Liam Tinney(left) and Roddy Billimore Ref: RH280225043 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Team 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225043;NIKON D5;92 3
£10.00 - £66.00Finlay McIntyre(centre), with Liam Tinney(left) and Roddy Billimore Ref: RH280225043 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Team 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225043;NIKON D5;92 399624;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La Terrière;Dunalastair...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105662-Dunalastair Highland Estate encompasses the Munro Schiehallion, where sheep graze all the way to the summit at 3,553 feet throughout the spring, summer, and autumn Ref: RH280225042 Rob Hain
£10.00 - £66.00Dunalastair Highland Estate encompasses the Munro Schiehallion, where sheep graze all the way to the summit at 3,553 feet throughout the spring, summer, and autumn Ref: RH280225042 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Schiehallion...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105661-North Country Cheviot shearlings, used as a lambs and will be sold as two shear Ref: RH280225028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-NCCshearling 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280
£10.00 - £66.00North Country Cheviot shearlings, used as a lambs and will be sold as two shear Ref: RH280225028 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-NCCshearling 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225028;NIKON D5;130 399454;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105660-North Country Cheviot ewes have scanned at an impressive 160%, this result reflects the breed’s excellent maternal traits, fertility, and ability to thrive in diverse grazing conditions Ref
£10.00 - £66.00North Country Cheviot ewes have scanned at an impressive 160%, this result reflects the breed’s excellent maternal traits, fertility, and ability to thrive in diverse grazing conditions Ref: RH280225039 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer ...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105659-North Country Cheviot ewes have scanned at an impressive 160%, this result reflects the breed’s excellent maternal traits, fertility, and ability to thrive in diverse grazing conditions Ref:
£10.00 - £66.00North Country Cheviot ewes have scanned at an impressive 160%, this result reflects the breed’s excellent maternal traits, fertility, and ability to thrive in diverse grazing conditions Ref: RH280225040 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer ...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105658-These yearling heifers will join the suckler herd of Luing cows, a breed well-suited to thriving in the rugged hill pastures Ref: RH280225037 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastai
£10.00 - £66.00These yearling heifers will join the suckler herd of Luing cows, a breed well-suited to thriving in the rugged hill pastures Ref: RH280225037 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-HeifersA 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225037;NIKON D5;70...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105657-These yearling heifers will join the suckler herd of Luing cows, a breed well-suited to thriving in the rugged hill pastures Ref: RH280225033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastai
£10.00 - £66.00These yearling heifers will join the suckler herd of Luing cows, a breed well-suited to thriving in the rugged hill pastures Ref: RH280225033 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Heifers 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225033;NIKON D5;110...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105656-One of the yearling heifers that will join the suckler herd of Luing cows Ref: RH280225035 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Heifer 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225035;NIKON
£10.00 - £66.00One of the yearling heifers that will join the suckler herd of Luing cows Ref: RH280225035 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Heifer 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225035;NIKON D5;150 399507;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105655-Some of the Dorset cross hoggs that will lamb in the last week March Ref: RH280225025 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Dorsets 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225025;NIKON D5;
£10.00 - £66.00Some of the Dorset cross hoggs that will lamb in the last week March Ref: RH280225025 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-Dorsets 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225025;NIKON D5;95 399428;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La...£10.00 - £66.00 -
40105654-Some of the home bred Black-Faced shearlings Ref: RH280225029 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-BlackieShearling 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225029;NIKON D5;135 399463;Shee
£10.00 - £66.00Some of the home bred Black-Faced shearlings Ref: RH280225029 Rob Haining / The Scottish Farmer Dunalastair-BlackieShearling 28/02/2025;February 2025;RH280225029;NIKON D5;135 399463;Sheep;cattle;Ian Cameron de Sales La Terrière;Dunalastair Highland...£10.00 - £66.00