Foot guards pass through Admiralty Arch as they take part in the Coronation Procession following the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla in London. Thousands of members of the armed forces from across the Commonwealth and British Overseas Territories, the Services of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, and The Sovereign’s Bodyguard and Royal Watermen, are taking part in the celeb
Upload Date: 04 Jul 2023
Original Filename: 405622195-dar.jpg
Store Filename: 39806093.jpg
Byline: Adam Gerrard/Daily Mirror
Keywords: pa-new/ROYAL Coronation 16154858.JPG 405622195-dar Foot guards pass through Admiralty Arch as they take part in the Coronation Procession following the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla in London. Thousands of members of the armed fo
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